Paragraph on Importance of Yoga | Paragraph on Benefits of Yoga

Paragraph on Importance of Yoga: Yoga which recharges the body with cosmic energy and facilitates the attainment of equilibrium and harmony between body and soul has immense importance in human life. Here we have written a paragraph on importance of yoga in english for the students. This paragraph on yoga includes meaning of yoga, importance of yoga, benefits of yoga and with some important points.

Paragraph on importance of Yoga

Yoga is a science that aims to achieve self-realization and self-actualization. It provides us a road map for achieving the perfect harmony between body and mind as well as individual and universal consciousness. The practice of yoga unites our body, mind, and soul and helps in living a healthy, calm, and holistic life. It recharges the body with cosmic energy and facilitates the attainment of equilibrium and harmony between body and soul. 

Paragraph on Importance of Yoga | Paragraph on Benefits of Yoga

Regular practice of yoga promotes self-healing, increases self-awareness, helps in attention and concentration. It reduces stress and anxiety which has a devastating effect on the body and mind. It improves immunity and increases flexibility, muscle strength, and body tone. After practicing yoga aspirants feels rejuvenated and energized.

Paragraph on Benefits of Yoga

To obtain self-actualization and self-realization, yoga is the only and best way. It transcends the mind by silencing the modification of the mind. The first step towards yoga begins with the body that is called yoga posture (asana).  However, the main practice of yoga revolves around the mind which makes harmony between body and mind to proceed further on the path of yoga or inner journey.

Ashtanga Yoga Paragraph

The eight limbs of yoga which is called Ashtanga Yoga is a set of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali's. He defined the eight limbs of Yoga as Yama (abstinence), Niyama (observances), Asana (Postures), Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (absorption). Ashtanga Yoga is a way to achieve soteriological goal i.e. Kaivalya. This is the ultimate goal of Ashtanga Yoga.

Yoga has unlimited possibilities for betterment of human as well nature. It has permanent solution of every problem. We should make yoga as part of our habit to live a happy and healthy life.

Hope you liked this paragraph on importance of yoga and this is helpful for your exam.

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